Category: Philosophy

  • Not Achieving? Consider This

    First of all, you are most likely achieving more than you think you are but society’s norms, customs and feeback mechanisms oftentimes communicate negatively. Hence; the conditioning you receive is not necessarily congruent with your output.  Unfortunately, there are also a few who overestimate their contribution as well. Then there’s your government with its officials…

  • State Has No Business In The Bedrooms of Canadians

    Your tax money is getting spent once again on a special interest group. I am not prejudiced against whomever fits into the acronym of LGBTQ and whatever other letters get added in the future. In fact, I don’t think there’s consensus yet with respect to which letters should fit at the end. However; I am…

  • Judgment, Diatribes, and Social Media’s Evolution

    Let’s premise this whole thing. If you’ve accessed this through facebook and I’ve engaged with you over the past six months, you’re not identifiable with characteristics below. The most fascinating revelation arising from the phenomenon of “social media” has been the propensity of more folks than expected to wield insults and criticism thereby deploying a…

  • Nike’s “Believe In Something”

    I agree. Believe in something and while doing it, undertake the process for change available to every other citizen in your country rather than grand standing at the sidelines of a sports venue.  Western democracies are endowed with the right of speech freedom. This right empowers citizens irrespective of race, sex, or religious affiliation to…

  • Being In The Know

    We often think we’re in the know when we really aren’t. We come to know because of what we’ve been told but who has been doing the telling and why? In spite of the profligacy of information on the internet, we are deservedly suspect. The question becomes “what do we do and where do we…