Blogging Since 2009

Crossiron sky

Current events of the day sometimes inspire Blair Sveinson to put work aside and react to what’s happening. Topics are varied but often revolve around politics, sociology, human performance, music, and health.

Political thought is inspired by mother who fervently watched the news when I was growing up. I can’t remember ever taking issue with her’s and my Aunt’s regularity in tuning into the nightly news. These two shared a philosophy founded in the values typical for their generation and it rubbed off. I think of them often when cringeworthy incidents arise with respect to political discourse.

I’ve always been fascinated by how people interrelate – so much so that electives in university were often taken up within the humanities. Rudiments in anthropology, sociology, and psychology were all pursued with innocent curiousity.

Music has been the latest fascination as exhibited by my youtube channel showcasing guitar and piano skills under development. This new world has really kept juices flowing during the pandemic lock down and continues to evolve. Along with the penchant is a desire to share other blossoming talent which oftentimes goes unnoticed. More posts here should inform of talent separate from the main stream.