Category: Philosophy

  • Thoughts on New Leader Kenney

    Frankly I think Alberta would have been better served by someone different.  He’s a crony of the by-gone elitist Harper era on the federal scene and is polarizing on the controversial matters of same sex marriage and abortion.  While being taxed exorbitantly (47 per cent highest marginal rate with the new tax bracket), Albertans have…

  • Pleasant Surprise From The Press

    Evidence of lethargy in journalism was witnessed in the latest U.S. election campaign.  The Washington establishment was either ambivalent or oblivious to the plight of marginalized factory workers in the rust belt States.  Lest it be said that the sentiment surrounding these shut down towns may have deserved more journalistic attention.  Lately it seems a…

  • One Tough Woman

    The “one tough woman” phrase gets me thinking.  Yes, it’s arisen in the context of one newbie politician attempting to walk back insults directed toward his adversary.  However; the basis of female toughness deserves scrutiny.  Call me old fashioned but I like a woman that’s not tougher than me.  I like chivalry in places and…

  • Kindness Crisis

    There is a kindness crisis according to a poll conducted by Sesame Street.  Seventy per cent of parents claim that the world is unkind to their kids. This adult senses it on the street – literally in traffic. I sense it in our political discourse and I sense it in the voidance of cordial gestures…

  • TFSA’s Are In The News

    Recently, the Globe and Mail has been writing editorials on merits of the Tax Free Savings Account.  I find it remarkable how so many so called enlightened folks can rationalize bad from good. Your Canadian government put the plan in place in 2009 for your benefit largely with an understanding that now a larger proportion…