Category: Politics

  • Partisanship Exempt of Objectivity

    All objectivity is absolutely lost with the partisan digging in deep picking sound bites for support of irresponsible rhetoric and decisions gone mad. The U.S.A. has lost their mind and may be imploding and losing all credibility across the globe referring to “wokeness” as a justification for ego stroking and destruction. Even Steve Forbes who…

  • Trump I Told You So II

    I was at a dinner party at a friends house at around the time when Trump was campaigning for his first term. Having listened to him closely through the media, and having watched his conduct via “The Apprentice” (accounting for any perceived thoughts that acting within the role may or may not have been apparent)…

  • Trump The Benevolent Soul In Gaza

    So Marco Rubio (remember the guy with the small hands), the new Secretary of State, suggests that what Trump meant was that Palestinians could move temporarily until the U.S. pours American treasure into cleaning debris and rebuilding so that then the Palestinians could come back home to livable conditions. That’s quite the offer and set…

  • Donald Trump – I Told You So

    Finally those Canadians with financial and social stature have come to the table wholeheartedly to denounce Trump. If it’s taken you this long….we needed you in 2014/ 2015. We needed you to speak out emphatically that a man of deviant morals and conduct unbecoming of political party leadership could not ascend to a position of…

  • Trump As President Again

    I’ll leave it to the historians to document Donald Trump’s “indiscretions”. Now, Trump is President again! He should not have been restored to hold this office and nor should the constitution / legal apparatus of the U.S. enabled him to access the office given his conviction on 37 counts of financial fraud and other troubles…