Category: Politics

  • Venezuela Right Now

    Hyperinflation rate so astronomical you won’t believe it Water shortage Food shortage Civil strife Rolling black outs Russia installs military presence taking sides with Nicolas Maduro U.S. contemplates aid and incidentally has sided with declared President Juan Guaido Journalists arrested Socialist policy since Chavez leaderships in 1999 If you eliminate incentives for business to produce…

  • Calling Out The Drivel

    I don’t mind playing a role in calling out stuff for what it is before new norms negatively take hold thereby attributing to societal decay. No I’m not naive enough to think that my single voice can make a difference so I implore you my friends to also stand your ground when confronted with drivel…

  • How Will You Vote in Alberta Election?

    Strong conservative leadership in Alberta has been lacking for a lot of years. Jason Kenney…..a rather bland fellow stained by a lacklustre record serving under Harper as an MP at the federal level where he talked up social issues instead of what really matters to Canadians – their pocket book is now your choice. We…

  • The Feeling of Corruption in Canada

    Your Attorney General of Canada claims that your Prime Minister placed undue influence on her with respect to a prosecutorial decision in lieu of criminal evidence. In my mind this amounts to “obstruction of justice” subject to the penal code. It’s apparent that Justin Trudeau was motivated politically to save an engineering firm, namely SNC…

  • Jaw Dropping Adam Capay Story

    I attended a municipal forum last week which dealt with the possible replacement of the Calgary Saddledome for the whiny Calgary Flames organization. Let me take that back…they’ve been better behaved lately having come to grips with the economic landscape in this city in lieu of the oil price drop and the difficulty in transporting…