Category Archives: Politics

Election Looming

Harry Reid believes the FBI is holding back on a Russia – Trump alliance of sorts and Democrat campaign Chief John Podesta wants to cast fault with FBI Director James Comey for acting his conscience in revealing new information relevant to the country’s national security.  There’s lots of finger pointing to go around with the newest email revelation but the huge fault rests with the electorate which installed delegates assigned to nominating these two highly flawed candidates for the presidency of the United States. With eight days until the election, every fatigued player of this political tempest including voters needs to stand tall on election day and muster a best effort in determining which one of these two characters can practically carry out an agenda for the true betterment of a society.  It’s now up to the individual to administer democracy absent from a strong political foundation traditionally presented by the country’s two main parties.

These are dark days for democracy will pass because cool heads will prevail when a new office of the President comes to power.  Fortunately, there will be stronger apolitical civil servants in the wings eager to execute a mandate.

Of great concern to the U.S. is the embattled monetary system and marginalization of the poor.  Just today, there is unrest in penitentiaries due to perceived enslavement of the incarcerated.  The administration of justice on the streets is an issue as is gun violence.  Elitists in Washington have been blind to the plight of the poor.  Irrespective of the mudslinging during this political season, this illumination should be considered a positive.  Whoever wins this election is going to need to rebuild some form of trust from the unfortunate position of lacking political capital.  Immediate attention will be drawn to demanding international matters while attending to systemic problems of debt, legacy debt, and hopelessness among a large population of African American people.  Legislative cooperation in Washington has been poor during the Obama Administration.  A lot needs to get figured out all at once.  Hopefully some White Knight with a conciliatory tone emerges whom has yet to step forth on a Sunday news segment.

Forogotten U.S. Political Allegation

Amidst all the mud-slinging in the U.S. campaign for President, one disturbing allegation has not been scrutinized by the media.  In the third debate, Donald Trump asserted that the ten women (at the time of the debate) who allege that they were sexually harassed or assaulted by him were conspiring with the Democratic Party assumably in an effort to discredit Trump’s character.  I would expect some diligence by some sharp reporter in concert with Trump’s information at hand to present evidence of such a claim. Irrespective of the credibility of the women’s claims, I think it would be in the Republican nominee’s best interest to expose evidence of such an underhanded act by Democrats prior to the election.  Failure to do so simply reduces the credibility of the candidate further.

Americans in their disgust at elitist favouritism, income disparity, outsourced jobs, political purchasing power, and legislative gridlock have been so radicalized that they have repressed the quiet voice in their hearts messaging that this man Trump is coming from the wrong place in a spirit of darkness represented by behavior reminiscent of the grade school play ground bully who lacks in self esteem.  The isolated American feels that this is their best shot when confronted by a system working in opposition to their aspirations.  It’s regrettable and the divisiveness has unfortunately been accentuated.

I, for one, am absolutely astonished by this run up to the November election.  It’s very difficult to trust either candidate and of course “trust” is one paramount value which citizens should reasonably expect assigned to the White House.

Aghast At Trump

My sister and I today speculated over the degree of contempt our mother would have expressed had she been alive to witness the news today of despicable behavior apparently conducted by one candidate for the presidency of the United States, Donald Trump. Our mother would have espoused that character matters in a world leader. This person would need to represent the values of the people of whom he or she would hope to lead. This person would need to possess maturity, grace, and thoughtfulness toward all ethnicities while appreciating each other’s individual differences. This person would be positive and attuned to the basic aspirations of goodness driving humanity. This person would be articulate, reciprocal, and strong with ideals compatible with shaping the common good while not interfering with one’s quest for liberty. Our mother would have expected a political campaign to be infused with conceptually intriguing debate tempting her to stretch her own boundaries of belief on public policy matters. She would have imbibed intangible “between the lines” candidate remarks and telling body language. Her attentiveness would have been keen with a perception that her children’s lives north of the border could be affected by policy produced by the U.S.A. She would have been onto him at word one.

Although hardly immune from humanity’s dark side having taught school while raising six kids, I’m frankly grateful that her life was not tainted by exposure to displays of indecency by one, Donald Trump, candidate for U.S. President.

To Gavel Or Not To Gavel

Oh, you neither knew this was a verb.  It’s interesting how particular words take on verb form when a subject is overly introverted and obsessed by an operating environment.  Here we have outright bias exercised by the ex-chair of the Democratic National Committee and then residual bumbling discussion still ensues whether she should gavel or not gavel and speak or not speak at this week’s convention.  In business and in life there are consequences to our behavior.  Particular forums leave no room for second chances when the public’s trust is at stake.  If you malign your behavior when bestowed a position of authority, it becomes apparent that your character is unfit for the office and hence you must seek work elsewhere.  Somebody may give you a second chance and in fact the lesson could very well be learned and demonstrated in ones new role.  A character can be rehabilitated.  It really is this simple but when a process of rationalization muddies the scene and contextual actors acquiesce to excuses, pandering or self righteous demands of entitlement, then the ethics of a whole organization come under question.

Latest Scoop from DNC

The Democratic convention ratings are bound to tick up in lieu of today’s Wiki Leaks divulgence. Although Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be stepping down as DNC chair due to alleged favoritism exercised during the nomination process, apparently as reported by CNN today Hillary Clinton will award her as an “honorary chairwoman with a 50 state program to build the party in every part of the country”.  I know you’ve never been cynical about politics? One would think that Mrs. Clinton would at least wait a day before announcing such a reward for Wasserman Shultz’s behavior in the context of her portrayal by the FBI:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

Suddenly, Trump’s projection for picking up Bernie Sanders supporters is not looking so far-fetched.