Hearing of The Secret Service Director

Having caught snippets of the hearing this morning which dealt with the Trump assassination attempt I suspect there will be regrets in the handling of the matter. She should have been fired at the outset instead of putting her through a grilling which appeared more to serve the disappointment of elected officials than to extract information which was unavailable to this woman nine days after the incident pending an investigation which has yet to draw conclusions.. There was much drama but not much progress. The facts actually speak for themselves for the most part just from what’s been conceived through documented accounts of the incident through video footage. The roof was not secured. The premise was not secured. The secured area was not sufficiently wide. The suspiciousness of the individual was not communicated effectively amongst all security personnel through all agencies represented at the event. There was insufficient reconnaissance done prior to the event. This all was clear because of what actually happened.

By firing the woman at the outset, a temporary director could have been installed in order to facilitate the investigation and provide most effective cooperation for making immediate change while gathering answers. Instead, there was grand standing and the wielding of insults akin to the new norm of interpersonal conduct. It was actually bizarre to witness the level of disdain and contempt from U.S. politicians directed to this woman, Ms. Cheatle – the Director of the Secret Service, in the context of the assassination attempt when half of these same congressmen (women) show such complicity for the ease of accessibility of automated weapons throughout America which leads potentially to the utilization of such for facilitating countless mass shootings and death across the country.

U.S. elected officials and candidates of late have perpetrated a decline in civility as exemplified within this hearing. It’s aberrant to the cooperative norm imperative. Outrage is justifiable in context of a security failure, but its best simply to execute the outrage administratively and succinctly instead of perpetrating circus like theatre. None of these politicians needed to verbalize a desire for her to resign or be fired during proceedings but every single one of them which I watched took the occasion as if they felt an incumbency to go on the record.