Tag Archives: Sears

Reduced Pensions and Lost Severance At Sears

There appears to be some sorrow among the laid off Sears employees who “feel” betrayed by a company in trouble. I have news for all employees.  You have a “job” and you serve at the pleasure of your employer.  By pure definition, if you decide to take a “job” you are giving up some of your autonomy.  If you should so choose to have a portion of your pay handled by a private pension plan, what gives you the right to think that there is no “risk” in having a third party manage those funds or to think that the company will be financially fit to make ongoing company contributions on your behalf?  In socialized Canada we are fed this line that you are marginalized if “self employed”.  I have news for those who believe that your company will be there for you.  You are one bad relationship or two bad performance reviews from the exit sign and if you think you have “job security” think again in the context of a financial system teetering on the brink.  If you worked at Sears and have witnessed a steady decline in retail traffic over a period of years, you should have taken a look at the competition or at the least upgraded in the evening with some career changing course work.  Now is not the time to be looking to a bankruptcy trustee for answers or the CBC for sympathy.  There is nothing more defeatist and sad than the state of a workplace in decline with hangers on sinking with the ship believing that the company will throw a life vest last minute in the form of a “severance”.

Comments On Sears Decline

This is a company that never revitalized in the face of competition. Clerks were indifferent, the computerized check out system was antiquated, and the “Arnold Palmer” brand was mediocre. The company did nothing special to make customers feel welcome. It’s becoming a real blight on the urban landscape with all these empty big box spaces. Bezos over at Amazon has been a big winner and I commend him for creating a web portal that is easy and convenient with an excellent “search bar”.  Over at Amazon, you can travel the shopping neighborhood with a click of a mouse and let someone else take care of the logistics otherwise associated with parking, ambivalent pedestrians in mall parking lots, and service levels deserving of the pay grade.  How many clerks have given you the blank stare once questioned about pitiful inventories in the most popular of sizes?  These mall lease rates are going to start looking pretty hefty once ecommerce and competitive on line pricing increases market presence even more.  Last question – how many folks have you witnessed at your local mall hands free of merchandise filling the food court rather than the tills of starving merchants?