Category: Lifes Lessons

  • Help Social Services Help The Vulnerable

    You’ ve all seen the homeless but there may be an acute condition that you stumble upon. Can we help social services help the vulnerable? You know intuitively when an individual may not be street smart. You can feel their vulnerability and fear. You’ve hence come to realize that your typical day may take a…

  • Tennis Career of Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova – Takeaway

    Some superstars come right out of the gate as gifted with magic in their ground strokes. What about the tennis career of Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova? Other players have required time to develop the neuro-pathways with coaching in order to manifest the weaponry to compete at the highest level. At 29 years of age Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova finally…

  • Kenney on COVID

    What is the Kenney position on COVID? I listen to him from time to time on the COVID updates. Most of the time I find him balanced, reasonable, and thoughtful. The one noticeable verbal slip was couple of weeks ago when he suggested that Alberta was going to have the best summer in its history.…

  • Covid Rational Mind In Overdrive

    Post inspired by friend because of an engaging conversation. Let me start out by saying – you may have come to learn more about human nature in the past year than in your entire life time. Too many people have not known how to allocate their mental resources in the midst of government regulations arising…

  • Modern Growth And Development

    “Growth and Development” was a core subject during my tenure at the faculty of Physical Education and Sports Studies. I recall the course work focused around stages of development naturally occurring chronologically while considering causes of anomalies. However; back then there was no pandemic, no mobile electronic gadgets, and single parent families were lesser.   …