Category: Lifes Lessons
Let ‘em fly. Maybe you shouldn’t have. Forget the masks. Oh. I guess we should be wearing them. Don’t let the cruise ships port. Oh. I guess we compromised their civil liberties. Marginally pay those long term care workers. Oh. I guess some of those exorbitant doctors salaries should have been budgeted there. Speak in…
Pandemic Potpourri
So ah, take out delivery. Don’t you have tons of time on your hands to cook Something like seven years to get a doctors degree and still so much contradictory opinion about wearing a mask and defining etiology Idiocy of downplaying potential and then actualizing the black swan. Still selling toilet paper in packages of…
Untimely Elimination of Epidemiologist Position
There was an untimely elimination of an epidemiologist position in China back in July of 2019. You know how much Mr. Trump liked to exclaim “you’re fired” back when he hosted “The Apprentice”. It’s Reuters and four of their sources who expose this stunning revelation. The key post administered through the American Centre for Disease…
The Cyber Medium of Control
This is what’s on my mind today as I receive emails pertaining to COVID-19 from those compelled to exhibit their interpretation of this virus in the context of their platform / agenda / business relationship with you / notion of how think you now need to operate in the context of their interpretation of the…
Newsy Week Eh
From the stand point of the stock market, this is a lesson that so many folks needed to learn. Your investment advisors are simply people with vulnerabilities like the rest of us. The buy and hold mantra has cost you money. You must put attention on your own investments and you must actively manage your…