Category: Sport
Ski Gear Safety Tips
Now that we’re “gearing up” for the new ski season, I’ll give some gear tips to help keep you safe this winter. With many seasons under my belt while reading the occasional review on mountains and gear, I seldom see gear safety write ups… here goes my take. Not all ski brakes are designed equally.…
Good Biomechanics of Running
I’ve been running recreationally my whole life with a particular hiatus during period of some knee discomfort. Today I comment on good biomechanics of running. My experience in running combined with my undergraduate degree in sports science compels me to evaluate good running form. My component coach during my fundamental course work in “kinesiology” in…
The New Mental Health Mantra
It’s all getting a bit ridiculous wouldn’t your say – this new mental health mantra. Suddenly there’s this new excuse for failing or missing the show. When nothing else sticks…just pull this one out of the hat because the whole internet universe has gravitated toward it and you know how politically incorrect it would be…
Tennis Career of Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova – Takeaway
Some superstars come right out of the gate as gifted with magic in their ground strokes. What about the tennis career of Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova? Other players have required time to develop the neuro-pathways with coaching in order to manifest the weaponry to compete at the highest level. At 29 years of age Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova finally…
LaRussa Tirade
I’m occasionally reminded of my old childhood passion – baseball. Combine the topic of baseball and sportsmanship and you’ve got premium fodder for blairsblog. You see, Whitesox manager, Tony La Russa, had scolded his all star hitter Yermin Mercedes for swinging for the fence (finely executed the homer) on a 3-0 count against a position…