Corporate Culture Revisited

Looking back on an old corporate culture is never the healthiest way to grow your business but there are lessons you have taken forward and there are delights to pontificate from past work environments in which you will never again be required to tolerate.  When you call the shots, there are people you have left behind.  There were those who gossiped incessantly.  There were those who had a snooty disposition strutting a one upmanship display of ego.  There were those who skipped basic training in etiquette.  There were those who thought they knew so much but hadn’t read from a book of n0n-fiction in years.  There were those who treated others indignantly and then sought respect.  There were those who did the work and there were those peculiarly familiar with management.

The entrepreneur despises a corporate culture of dysfunction…so much so that if heeded positively can turn into a primary motivating force precipitating a life long journey of commercial liberty.  “The pilgrims with Columbus did not board up on three ships and come to America to get a job.”  – Dave Severn