Ever Present Master Class

It’s becoming more common….the “Master Class”. It’s so vain. Don’t get me wrong. I have no difficulty with people posing as experts but these “master classes” are growing “long in the tooth”.

What’s most interesting is that predicates associated with trainings can be out of date in short order due to changing social and economic landscapes.

What appeals to me are “values” and “merit” but not so much “tricks” and “gimmicks”. You see you can’t teach me values and merit. It’s engrained through a history of nurturing from parents, fundamental education, inquisitive proactive learning, and life experience.  Philosophical expression consequently manifests intuition and common sense. You don’t need to put a bible in front of me either to differentiate right from wrong.  I sense these master classes pose as substitutes for the tepidness of an individual to execute on what one already knows but is overly fearful of risk.

Certainly the master class promoters are cognizant of the impact of a “leftist” education on the autonomous will of the individual. Why not just step into the void and patronize with pretention presuming that all are meek and imperceptive of aloofness. Well, I call it out.