Kindness Crisis

There is a kindness crisis according to a poll conducted by Sesame Street.  Seventy per cent of parents claim that the world is unkind to their kids. This adult senses it on the street – literally in traffic. I sense it in our political discourse and I sense it in the voidance of cordial gestures of etiquette. I sense it at the poker table and in the board room. I sense it in transit and telephony systems. I sense it in the body language of souls transfixed by their electronic “devices” and in the spoken language of those perhaps ill equipped to reach for an empathetic word when “f@ck” is at the tip of a tongue. It’s as if a new substandard came into being precipitated by a confluence of events imperceptible to the naked eye producing a cultural shift engineered by a generation naive to the values of their forefathers and the historic deeds undertaken to sew a landscape of autonomy.

Materialism as a precursor perhaps forms an element. The great divide between the haves and have-nots has never been greater. A tempestuous outreach in order to “acquire” may brew in the hearts of some looking to hurdle through patronage, political partisanship, and indifference. Perhaps, it’s a proclamation of entitlement to rudeness in the face of perceived injustice casting out emotional residue to a society dumbfounded.