Let’s Play Ball

I see the slow pitch soft ballers are out in force.  There is a brief moment every spring when I contemplate heading back to the diamond…and then the flighty urge passes.  The image of a bunch of has been beer swigging wannabes comes up and I discount the notion with a quick head shake.  Upon stereotyping unfairly of course I conclude that 98 per cent have no commercial means of competing in capitalism because of their dead end jobs and hence this becomes their vicarious outlet.  I envision the blankest of stares should they be confronted with a business proposal of merit and wouldn’t be able to process opportunity unless cash first fell from the sky.  

Our mothers and fathers rightfully introduced us to sport as children partly as a medium whereby we would learn cooperation and competition.  Parents intuitively understand that equipping a child for competition is a healthy endeavor in the context of also teaching sportsmanship, respect, leadership, solidarity, positivity, and so many other intangible elements associated with sport and competition. 

Perhaps, as adults we can expand our interests and hobbies in ways that tax the mind, broaden our perspectives, contribute to the community, and teach the children while ensuring that our time for fitness is spent working up a sweat instead of standing in the outfield. 



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