Most people’s carbohydrate intake is imbalanced with too many simple sugars and too few complex ones so let’s take a look at Polysaccharides polypeptides and diet. It is the simple sugars that boost cell size and add to body girth. Although the research is somewhat incomplete regarding the effect of simple sugar ingestion and the production of free radicals in the blood, one is inclined to think with information currently available that our cell’s health is negatively affected by consuming too many simple sugars. Complex carbohydrates facilitate the effective processing of metabolic functions and can actually increase the motility of the cellular engine by boosting the production a critical enzyme called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Dr. Peiper in his book Polysaccharides Polypeptides speaks at length of the importance of replacing simple sugars with complex ones. A daily supplementation can effectively move the consumption ratio of complex sugars to simple sugars in our favour.
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