A Remembrance Day Thought

World War II was the deadliest of all wars and the statistics are incomprehensible.  These men and women had you and I buried in their subconscious minds as they marched along the front day and night side by side in surveillance and in battle.  If echoes of their voices chime in your soul as you go about your life fully cognizant that you and I have a life full of choices with access to success, we will be harnessed with strength in our pursuit.  We cannot begin to imagine the enormity of their sacrifice but we can in fact take our God given talents and express them to the world with pride, with conviction, and with the power of freedom bestowed upon us by generations of ancestors honour bound and humble with a cause having us as the corner stone of purpose.

“If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow, In Flanders Fields”

– John McCrae –