Hard Done By Auto Workers

Oct 6, 2007

Amaaazing. Oshawa couple are stunned that they are going to be losing their $70,000 per year jobs at the GM plant. Yes each. $70,000 each for unskilled assembly line labor work. How often have the smothering legacy costs of GM been reported in the financial news over the past two years? Too many to count on fingers and toes for certain but all of a sudden the McAuliffe’s are surprsised. Trish says, “but when you have based your life and your plans on having a certain income, it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under you.” Well, earth to Trish – we live in a global economy where capitalism has won out. You probably should have started retraining twenty years ago with the launch of the NAFTA free trade deal. Consider yourself lucky that your overpaid menial work has lasted this long. I suggest that you stand up straight, look into the mirror and start taking responsibility for your families welfare in the context of the global economic reality instead of laying blame at the feet of some entity that you thought was going to look after you throughout your adult years. Countries outside North America have simply done a better job at building cars more efficiently, more cost effectively, and with more sensitivity to the market place. Guess what Trish – capitalism produces winners and losers. GM is losing and must make decisions to adjust back to the winners circle. Had you spent some time and energy observing the trends in your industry, you may have forecasted your plight. It is people in your precise demographic that don’t seem to have enough “time” to examine a home business. Well perhaps, now you are better positioned. Unfortunately, you could have transitioned yourself nicely while still in the employ of GM.


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