Quiet Life of Desperation

Aug 30, 2007

Was out for a run this morning before sunrise and was shocked to see the major arteries filling with cars at such an early hour. Thankfully, my inspiration and guding light has paved the path of self determination instead of a quiet life of desperation. An associate and I were exchanging thoughts last night and she confirmed the depth of fear that she has been encountering in the lives of people holding jobs. Upon concurring with her assessment, I am comfortable exclaiming that for most, the prospect of plunging into a commitment based on resolve of the self in the spirit of ultimate entrepreneurial expression is too much of an undertaking. Most people have not brought themselves to the threshold of demanding change. Excuses have often worked so well over time that they continue to be a good crutch.

“If you are an employee and feel out of control, consider what you can do on a part-time basis (ie. start a part-time business) to change that. You will be amazed at how quickly your confidence increases, just from feeling more in control of your life.”

– Donald Trump –