Letter to Calgary Mayor Beltline Pool

Dear Mr. Nenshi.

RE: Beltline Pool

I see in the news that a report is expected to be tabled this week pertaining to the recommendation of closing the Beltline pool. Although, I ‘m not a resident of Beltline (Marlborough Park) I draft this letter in the context of my background as a Physical Education graduate having had attained lifeguarding credentials and as a concerned citizen having witnessed poor zoning decisions downtown which are now going to require remediation. There are quality of life considerations in Calgary to consider in the context of a bold move such as closing a public pool. As you know, with the closure of the Eau Claire pool, aquatic leisure in the central core will be limited. I’m not certain that the Repsol Centre’s pools are the best teach pools. Repsol is accommodating to competitive and recreational swimmers but not so much for fostering early development swimming skills. Should better programming, scheduling, and management of the Beltline pool be implemented in the context of Eau Claire’s closure, revenues should grow.

I’ve noticed from the city website that a study has been undertaken to identity recreation needs of residents in the Beltline and Inglewood. This study appears to have taken a sincere “what do you want” approach reflective of one common answer to this demographic….”like going to the bar with my friends”. I suppose if the upcoming report is going to recommend the closure of a pool in the context of such community feedback, then my appeal would seem futile. However; I’m not so cynical. Ambassadors of sport such as I believe that good people like you are cognizant of the benefits of good health over beer and the long term correlation of healthy citizens as long term taxpaying citizens.   

I have much difficulty with the prospect that operating short falls of the Beltline pool can’t be overcome in the climate of complicity with demands from the Calgary Flames organization that they needed a new Stadium partly funded by taxpayer dollars. This makes zero sense to me. I can’t fathom the notion that wealthy hockey players and sport executives are deserving of taxpayer assistance but not the lower income couple looking to put their kids in swimming lessons in need of a facility.  Something is amiss if this pool closes from the standpoint of the city’s soul. Mr. Nenshi – you cannot allow this to happen.

You have my permission to disseminate this appeal freely.


Blair Sveinson