Alberta’s Sunshine List

I haven’t read it yet although it’s been available in the public domain for a week now.  Government bureaucrats are making serious dough and they don’t want you to know about it even though as Albertans – you pay their salary.  Not surprisingly, more than 300 folks in your government earn more than $100,000 per year.  They push paper, defer decisions, and scamper along cathedral halls with elevated chins in Henry Singer suits.  Oh yes….if there’s a whiff of relevance in a seminar trip to the tropics in February – they’ll be on that junket.  Suddenly everyone is Nelson Mandela’s old friend when he dies and Alberta needs “representation” half way around the world.  This positions these same folks to sit down with public sector unions and negotiate on behalf of me the taxpayer.  Have your roads been cleared yet here in February from the November snow fall?  Oh ya….it’s a municipal problem.  


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