Tag Archives: Corrections Canada

Needle Administration At The Jail House

This is just one more example of how your tax money is wasted. Apparently convicts who have supposedly lost their autonomy get to “shoot up” and possess an injection kit in their cells as authorized by your country’s “Prison Needle Exchange Program” (PNEP). Correctional Services Canada is now mandating that guards facilitate to “shooting gallery” and rightfully the union of guards has said no. “This is not our job”. 

I believe in the humanitarian rights of prisoners and your country unfortunately has ethically abused the duration of time in which they’ve permitted prisoners to be held in solitary confinement. This has been addressed in lieu of the Ashley Smith debacle.. 

However; as is common with wrongs made right from an apologetic landscape of a government over extending rights, there is now this new “PNEP” program that you the taxpayer get to pay for. The policy is not only fiscally irresponsible but it’s detrimental to the health and welfare of convicts. When a convict has lost their liberty, certainly they should lose access to illicit mood altering drugs.